
With solid expertise in digital tools, GDTech has established itself as a major player in the field of structural design and analysis. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from computer-aided design (CAD) to detailed analysis and the creation of 3D models, as well as manufacturing and assembly plans.

Our expertise in analysis covers a wide range of areas, from calculations compliant with the most common Eurocode standards to advanced calculations such as impact resistance (bullets, missiles, vehicles, or aircraft), seismic resistance, fire resistance, as well as fatigue and creep phenomena analysis.



Du plan à la réalité, il n'y a qu'un pas que GDTech vous aide à franchir.


Avec une expertise solide dans les outils numériques, GDTech s’est imposé comme un acteur majeur dans le domaine de la conception et de l'analyse de structures. Nous proposons une gamme exhaustive de services, depuis la conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) jusqu'à des analyses détaillées et la création de modèles 3D, ainsi que des plans de fabrication et d'assemblage.

Notre savoir-faire en analyse couvre un large éventail de domaines, allant des calculs conformes aux normes Eurocode les plus courantes aux calculs avancés tels que la résistance aux impacts (balles, missiles, véhicules ou avions), la résistance aux séismes, la résistance au feu, ainsi que l'analyse des phénomènes de fatigue et de fluage.


With solid expertise un digital tools, GDTech has established itself as a major player in the field of structural design and analysis. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from computer-aided design (CAD) to detailed analysis and the creation of 3D models, as well as manufacturing and assembly plans.

Our expertise in analysis covers wide range of areas, from calculations compliant with the most common Eurocode standards to advanced calculations such as impact resistance (bullets, missiles, vehicles , or aircraft), seismic resistance, fire resistance, as well as fatigue and creep phenomena analysis.

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3D Models and Plans

 GDTech offers comprehensive 3D modeling and construction planning services, including advanced options such as virtual reality and realistic renderings.

Standard Analysis

  GDTech, specializing in Eurocodes, ensures comprehensive analysis of stability and sizing of structures, providing the necessary results to access European markets. 

 Advanced Analysis

GDTech also offers a range of more advanced calculations, yet often indispensable, in more specific areas such as dynamics, projectile impact, explosions, fatigue phenomena, and fire resistance.

Modèles 3D et plans

With 20 years of experience in industrial drawing, GDTech has developed expertise in creating 3D models ans plans in the construction field. By combining classical and proven methods of defining and implementing such models with additional services such as creating aesthetic realistic rendering or virtual reality, GDTech offers its clients a comprehensive range of services in this field.


What we offer

We can build the complet 3D model of your project,  and we offer the opportunity to present it to your client enhanced with aesthetic realistic renderings, or even to offer them a virtual tour of it through a VR headset.  This added feature couples a sales tool with a high-quality technical solution.

In addition to 3D models, GDTech offers classic services for a construction project:

  • Consideration of rules regarding carpentry (mainly railings and stairs) for metal structures
  • Material lists creation
  • Preparation of cutting plans
  • Preparation of assembly plans
  • Preparation of installation plans
  • Creation of 'as-built' plants

Our employees can work either in our offices or on your site according to your wishes and needs.

Standard Analysis

GDTech covers the full spectrum of analyses typically conducted in the construction field. As specialists in Eurocodes and national annexes, our teams verify the stability and sizing of your buildings and other structures (including road equipment subject to wind loads, in particular) and provide you with the necessary results to access European markets.


Anticipating the unpredictable

The evaluation of loads is an essential component of structural analysis. Dead loads (self-weight, snow, etc.), dynamic loads such as wind, imperfections, seismic loads, and all combinations recommended by the Eurocodes can be determined by GDTech. Structural validation is then carried out.

The materials used can vary: concrete, steel, wood, aluminum, as well as composite wood-structure. Whatever your choice, our teams are at your disposal, supported by Eurocodes 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9.

The analysis of beam sections is an essential component of structural design and analysis: calculation of geometric properties of a section, calculation of the effective width of a thin-walled section according to Eurocode 3.1.5 for assessing local buckling risks, optimization of sections, and much more.

The design and verification of assembly elements (welding, bolts, etc.) are important elements of your designs. Their selection, based on Eurocode 3.1.8, their classification according to their stiffness and strength, and their consideration of these two characteristics in global models are tasks for which we can assist you.

Finally, the analysis of foundations and their stability, as well as techniques for improving the latter, are also areas covered by GDTech."

Advanced Analysis

GDTech also offers a range of more advanced calculations, which are often indispensable, in more specific areas such as dynamics, projectile impact, explosions, fatigue phenomena, and fire resistance.



Pour une structure sans faille. 

Les analyses dynamiques sont indispensables pour les structures soumises à des vibrations soumises à des vibrations importantes. La tenue aux événements sismiques est également un résultat de telles études.

Du calcul de fréquences et modes propres de la structure aux réponses à des fréquences diverses (déterminés ou aléatoire), nous vous accompagnons également dans l'analyse du comportement de structure au feu.

Du point de vue de la sécurité, la résistance d'une structure à l'impact , par exemple une balle, est primordial, notamment pour les blindages. Ce type type d'analyse fait appel aux phénomènes dit de 'dynamique rapide'. Par extension, nous étudions également:

  • La résistance à une explosion
  • La collision avec un véhicule: voiture, camion, bateau ou même avion.
  • L'effet d'une munition à charge creuse ou d'un missile sur un bâtiment

Nos réalisations

Projet MOMS

GDTech a développé des compétences spécifiques, notamment la maîtrise des Eurocodes et l'adaptation des méthodologies de calcul et de dessin au modulaire.

Dans le cadre du projet MOMS (n°8413), cofinancé par la Région Wallonne, GDTech a mis au point des codes de calcul et des méthodologies pour la réalisation de modèles 3D et de plans pour les bâtiments modulaires.

En partenariat avec l'entreprise Degotte, GDTech a assisté au développement d'un nouveau concept de bâtiment modulaire, plus facile à fabriquer et à monter, plus économique, et respectant les normes de dimensionnement.

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